The Anand group is a great place to do research! We strive to maintain both a positive working environment and a rigorous level of scholarship. Employers want to hire individuals who can communicate well, think critically, and work well in a team. We structure our group with these end goals in mind.

Welcome to the Anand Laboratory
The Group News
11/22/24 – The Anand Group welcomes its newest member: Marzia
10/13/24 – Zisun attends MicroTAS Conference in Montréal, Canada
08/18/24 – Beatrise, Sanduni, Tianyi, Ben attend ACS Fall in Denver, Colorado
07/01/24 – Thilini attends the DEP Conference in Dublin, Ireland
05/14/24 – Beatrise attends NIAMRRE Annual Conference in Columbus, Ohio
04/17/24 – Congratulations to Brittany for receiving the ISU Teaching Excellence Award, and to Ben for being a finalist for the Cotton-Uphaus Award!
03/08/24 – Beatrise along with Farah (CCE) and Toby (CCE) facilitate a workshop in Puerto Rico to gather insights about water insecurity there
01/15/24 – Congratulations to Robbyn and Beatrise for winning NSF Convergence Accelerator Phase 1. They attended the project kick-off meeting in Washington DC on January 23-24.
11/28/23 – The Anand Group welcomes its newest member: Subodha!
11/22/23 – Congratulations to Kira, Sommer and Quinlan whose paper was just accepted by Analytical Methods!
11/02/23 – Ben and Thilini attend and present at MUACC 2023 in Iowa City, IA!
10/15/23 – Aparna and Umesha attend and present at MicroTAS 2023 in Katowice, Poland!
10/08/23 – Robbyn receives the AES Mid-Career Achievement Award at SciX 2023 in Sparks, Nevada!
09/22/23 – Congratulations to Sungu, Aparna and Pooja whose paper was just accepted by Analytical Chemistry!
08/02/23 – Congratulations to Dr. Sommer Osman who successfully defended her dissertation! We will miss having you around!
06/27/23 – Robbyn leads the third annual Midwest Retreat for Diversity in Chemistry. A special thanks to Umesha, Aparna, and Ethan, all of whom were a part of the organizing committee for the retreat. Check out the details here:
04/28/23 – Congratulations to Joe and Ben whose paper was just accepted by Analytical Chemistry!
04/26/23 – Congratulations to Robbyn for receiving the ISU Award for Achievement in Intellectual Property and the LAS Award for Inclusive Excellence, to Ben for receiving the ISU Teaching Excellence Award, to Umesha for receiving the Women in Chemistry Award, and to Aparna for receiving the Witiak Graduate Fellowship in Chemistry!
04/06/23 – Congratulations to our microfluidics queen, Darshna, on the successful defense of her dissertation! We will miss you very much!!
03/21/23 – Robbyn, Morgan, Ruhul, and Ethan present at Pittcon 2023 in Philadelphia, PA. Great job!
03/06/23 – Congratulations to Kira, Umesha, and Tianyi whose review on Label-Free Electrochemical Methods of Disease Detection was published in Annual Reviews in Analytical Chemistry!
03/01/23 – Congratulations to Han and Sommer whose paper was just accepted by Lab on a Chip!
02/17/23 – Congratulations to Beatrise, Umesha, Sungu, Echo, and Madi whose paper was just accepted by ACS Sensors!
02/16/23 – Congratulations to Dr. Han Chen who successfully defended her dissertation!
12/06/22 – The Anand Group welcomes two new members: Zisun and Brittany!
11/11/22 – Congratulations to Jan who successfully defended her dissertation and gave a wonderful presentation! We will miss you!!
11/10/22 – Congratulations to Morgan who successfully defended her master’s thesis! Though she will be down the hall, we will miss having her in the lab.
10/27/22- Ethan, Ben, and Aparna competed in the annual 3MT competition. Great job!

10/14/22 – Congratulations to Echo for successfully defending her thesis! We will miss you greatly in the lab.

08/22/22 – Aparna, Ben, Kira, Morgan, Tianyi, Umesha, Thilini, Sanduni, and Ethan presented at ACS Fall 2022 Meeting in Chicago, IL!

07/20/22 – Congratulations to Joe and Kira for successfully defending their dissertations! We will miss you both very much!

06/24/22 – Robbyn leads the second annual Midwest Retreat for Diversity in Chemistry. Check out details here:

04/01/22 – Congratulations to Echo Claus who won the annual Cotton-Uphaus award!
12/09/21 – Congratulations to Umesha for successfully completing her preliminary oral exam!
11/19/21 – The Anand Group welcomes five new members: Ethan Leung, Tianyi Zhang, Benjamin Schelske, Sanduni Devasinghe, and Ruhul Amin!
11/17/21 – The Anand Group celebrates a diverse and multicultural Thanksgiving dinner together.

11/04/21 – Congratulations to Aparna for successfully completing her preliminary oral exam!
09/10/21 – The Anand Group celebrates Robbyn’s promotion and tenure talk at Iowa State University

08/06/21 – Congratulations to Robbyn who has received the 2021 Analytical Chemistry Innovator Award from the journal Analytical Chemistry!
06/04/21 – Congratulations to Jan, Claire, Savanah, and Morgan whose paper on interdigitated BPEs was just accepted by ChemElectroChem!
05/12/21 – Congratulations to Kira for being recognized with a SEAC Student Award for her presentation at Pittcon!
05/04/21 – Congratulations to Robbyn for receiving the ISU Award for Early Achievement in Research!
04/26/21 – Congratulations to Kira for being named a Rising Star in the inaugural AC/DC celebration by DEI in Analytical Chemistry!
04/16/21 – Congratulations to Jan for receiving the Frank J. Moore and Thoreen Beth Moore Fellowship, to Kira for receiving the Fassel Award, and to Aparna for receiving ISU Teaching Excellence Award from the department!

04/02/21 – Congratulations to Kira who was selected for an ACS Division of Analytical Chemistry Graduate Fellowship!
03/23/21 – Congratulations to Robbyn and Min for receiving a patent on their dielectrophoretic-based single-cell isolation device!
03/22/21 – The Anand Group welcomes three new members: Echo DeVries, Morgan Clark, and Thilini Rathnaweera!
03/19/21 – Congratulations to Sungu for a successful final defense! Sungu plans to join the lab of Sindy Tang (Stanford University, Mechanical Engineering) for a postdoctoral study. We’ll miss you Sungu!
11/06/20 – Congratulations to Kira whose contribution to the Annual Review Issue of Analytical Chemistry was just accepted!
10/23/20 – Robbyn gives a seminar at the University of Wisconsin Eau-Claire.
10/12/20 – Robbyn gives a seminar at the University of Washington.
10/07/20 – Darshna presents her research as a finalist in the Cotton-Uphaus competition!
10/02/20 – Robbyn gives a seminar at the Oregon Health and Science University.
09/09/20 – Robbyn gives a seminar at the University of California Irvine.
08/04/20 – Congratulations to Tyler whose research will be supported by a Dean’s High Impact Award for Undergraduate Research this Fall!
08/04/20 – Congratulations to Robbyn for being named as the recipient of the 2021 Pittsburgh Conference Achievement Award!
06/23/20 – Congratulations to Dr. Beatrise Berzina who successfuly defended her dissertation!
06/08/20 – Congratulations to Beatrise whose Tutorial Review was just accepted in Analytica Chimica Acta!
06/05/20 – Congratulations to Robbyn for being named as the recipient of the 2021 ACS Analytical Division Satinder Ahuja Award for Young Investigators in Separation Science!
04/15/20 – Congratulations to Darshna for successfully completing her preliminary oral exam!
04/13/20 – Congratulations to Robbyn who is the 2021 recipient of the Royce W. Murray Young Investigator Award from the Society of Electroanalytical Chemistry!
04/10/20 – Congratulations to Robbyn for being recognized with a 3M Non-Tenured Faculty Award!
03/31/20 – Congratulations to Beatrise, Kira, and Sommer who were selected for an Alpha Chi Sigma award, the Witiak Graduate Fellowship, and an ISU Teaching Excellence Award!
03/17/20 – Congratulations to Darshna for being selected as a finalist in the Cotton-Uphaus competition! She will move on to the oral presentation round.
03/09/20 – Congratulations to Kira for being recognized for giving an excellent presentation at the Society of Electroanalytical Chemistry poster session at Pittcon!
02/20/20 – Congratulations to Beatrise for being featured in the 2020 Women in STEM Initiative at ISU!
02/13/20 – Congratulations to Sungu for a successful preliminary oral exam!
02/06/20 – Congratulations to Robbyn for receiving the inaugural Suresh Faculty Fellowship!
02/06/20 – Check out the details of the 2020 Midwest Retreat for Diversity in Chemistry here!
02/03/20 – Robbyn gives a seminar at University of Notre Dame.
02/03/20 – Congratulations to Kira whose paper was just accepted in ChemElectroChem!
01/17/20 – Congratulations to Sungu whose first paper was just accepted in the Journal of the American Chemical Society!
01/16/20 – Congratulations to Darshna whose collaborative paper with the Anderson Group was just accepted for publication in Analytical Chemistry!
01/08/20 – Robbyn gives a seminar at the Gordon Research Conference in Electrochemistry.
12/16/19 – Congratulations to Claire for receiving first prize at Science in Practice poster session!
12/06/19 – Robbyn gives a seminar at the University of Nebraska – Lincoln.
12/04/19 – Congratulations to Savanah for receiving the LAS Dean’s High Impact Undergraduate Research Award, which will support her research this Spring!
11/19/19 – Congratulations to Kira for passing her Preliminary Oral exam!
11/07/19 – The Anand Group welcomes two new members, Aparna Krishnamurthy and Umesha Peramune!
11/07/19 – Robbyn gives a seminar at the University of Texas at Austin.
10/16/19 – Robbyn speaks in a symposium honoring Chris Easley (Auburn Univ.) for the AES Midcareer Award at FACSS SciX in Palm Springs, CA. Congratulations to Chris!
10/03/19 – Beatrise presents her research at Baxter Healthcare Corporation in Deerfield, IL.
09/10/19 – Robbyn gives a seminar at Wayne State University in Detroit, MI.
08/27/19 – Robbyn speaks in the ACS Sensors Young Investigator symposium at the ACS National Meeting in San Diego, CA.
08/19/19 – Congratulations to Beatrise who was selected for the Baxter Young Investigator Award!
07/19/19 – Today kicks off the Midwest Retreat for Diversity in Chemistry, being held at Luther College in Decorah, IA! Thanks to an awesome team of ISU graduate students for planning this event.
07/11/19 – Robbyn speaks at the Cottrell Scholars Conference in Tucson, AZ.
06/27/19 – Congratulations to Robbyn who was awarded the NIH NIBIB Trailblazer Award!
05/28/19 – Beatrise’s paper is published in Lab on a Chip!
04/22/19 – Congratulations to Joe for successfully completing his preliminary oral exam!
04/21/19 – Joe, Min, Darshna, and Sungu’s paper is published in Micromachines!
04/17/19 – Congratulations to Beatrise for receiving the Fassel Award and Kira for receiving the Women in Chemistry Award from our department!

04/10/19 – Congratulations to Dorian for receiving the Jonathan and Susan Rich Summer Research Award!
04/10/19 – Robbyn gives a talk at the Society of Analytical Chemists of Pittsburgh meeting at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh.
04/2/19 – Congratulations to Beatrise for being awarded a summer fellowship from the ACS Division of Analytical Chemistry!
03/30/19 – Jan, Eric, and Olga’s research paper was published in the Journal of Analysis and Testing!
03/20/19 – Congratulations to Jan for being recognized for giving an excellent presentation at the Society of Electroanalytical Chemistry poster session at Pittcon!

03/20/19 – Congratulations to Dorian for receiving the LAS Dean’s High Impact Undergraduate Research Award, which will support his research this summer!
03/17/19 – Robbyn, Beatrise, and Jan present at Pittcon 2019 in Philadelphia, PA.
03/06/19 – Darshna and Robbyn present at the event ‘ISU Day at the Capitol.’

02/28/19 – Robbyn gives a seminar at Auburn University in Auburn, AL.
02/13/19 – The National Science Foundation selects Robbyn to receive a CAREER Award.
02/11/19 – The Research Corporation for Scientific Advancement announces that Robbyn is among the 24 faculty selected to receive a Cottrell Scholars Award.
02/07/19 – Jan and Kira attend the Center for Electrochemistry Conference at the University of Texas at Austin.
02/04/19 – Robbyn gives a seminar at Vanderbilt University in Nashville.
01/25/19 – Congratulations to Kira for co-authoring a research paper “Tuning the electrochemical redox potentials of catechol with boronic acid derivatives”, published in J. Org. Chem., with the VanVeller group.
01/18/19 – Robbyn gives a seminar at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville.
12/20/18 – Congratulations to Kira for being recognized for early excellence in graduate studies! She is the recipient of an Arthur Hellwig Memorial Scholarship.
11/25/18 – Min’s research paper “Integration of marker-free selection of single cells at a wireless electrode array with parallel fluidic isolation and electrical lysis” is accepted for publication in Chemical Science!
11/07/18 – Congratulations to Min for a successful final defense! Min plans to join the lab of Shelley Minteer (University of Utah, Chemistry) for a postdoctoral study. We’ll miss you Min!

11/05/18 – Congratulations to Jan for completing her Preliminary Oral exam!
10/21-23/18 – Anand Group members present at the ACS Midwest Regional Meeting in Ames. Robbyn hosts a symposium on Bioanalysis.
10/11/18 – Robbyn delivers the ISU College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Fall Dean’s Lecture. Find the podcast by searching for “Anand” at
09/05/18 – Robbyn gives an invited talk at ISE Bologna
08/27/18 – In collaboration with Prof. Daniel Chiu (Univ. of Washington, Chemistry), the group publishes a paper in Angewandte Chemie, entitled “A Self‐Digitization Dielectrophoretic (SD‐DEP) Chip for High‐Efficiency Single‐Cell Capture, On‐Demand Compartmentalization, and Downstream Nucleic Acid Analysis”
08/20/18 – Robbyn and Beatrise present at the IDEAS: Innovations in Dialysis, Expediting Advances Symposium 2018
07/27/18 – A multi-institution graduate student planning team, guided by Robbyn, host the 2nd Midwest Women Chemists Retreat in Luther, IA ( A special thanks to Jan Borchers and Paige Hinners (ISU, Lee group) for spearheading the effort!
07/23/18 – Robbyn gives an invited talk at the Dielectrophoresis 2018 meeting in Surrey, UK
07/13/18 – The Anand Group receives the Society of Analytical Chemists of Pittsburgh (SACP) Pittcon Starter Grant in Analytical Chemistry. Thank you to the SACP for your support!
05/29/18 – Welcome to Jessica from Beijing Normal University, joining as our summer intern!
05/14/18 – Robbyn gives and invited talk at the Electrochemical Society (ECS) meeting in Seattle
04/03/18 – Congratulations to Beatrise for completing her Preliminary Oral exam!
03/05/18 – Beatrise’s research paper, “An electrokinetic route to source dialysate from excess fluid in blood” is accepted for publication in Analytical Chemistry!
02/23/18 – Min’s invited review paper, “Cellular dielectrophoresis coupled with single-cell analysis” is published in Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry!
10/20/17 – The Anand Group welcomes two new graduate students – Darshna Pagariya and Kira Rahn!
08/01/17 – Julia presented her poster in the Hach Atrium!
07/28/17 – Brook presented her poster at the Biorenewable Laboratory!
06/19/17 – Welcome to Brook, our summer intern with the Young Engineers and Scientists Program!
06/13/17 – Min’s research paper on selective capture of circulating tumor cells at a wireless electrode array is accepted at JACS!
06/04/17 – Welcome to Julia from Beijing Normal University to join in as our summer intern!
04/12/17 – Congratulations to Beatrise and Jan on being awarded the ISU Teaching Excellence Awards, and Min has been chosen to receive the Dr. Ching Ching Chiu Doctoral Fellowship for Women in Chemistry Award!
04/07/17 – Congratulations! Zihan Yang presented group research at the 31st annual National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR) at the University of Memphis!
01/18/17 – Welcome to our new undergraduate students Anna Schlueter and Eric Rasmussen!
12/01/16 – Dr. Anand was invited to give a seminar talk in ISU Chemical and Biological Engineering. The talk was titled “Electrokinetic Separation of Selected Cells and Metabolites from Peripheral Blood: Applications in Rare Cell Capture and Kidney Disease Management”.
11/21/16 – The group is growing! Wecome new members Joe, Jan and Sungu to the lab!
10/26/16 – Beatrise, Ben and Min presented their posters at ACS Midwest Regional Meeting at Manhattanm, KS!
10/14/16 – Min presented the group’s work on high-throughput selective capture of circulating tumor cells (CTCs) at MUACC , which was held at U. Illinois Urbana-Champaign.
09/16/16 – Congratulations! Dr. Anand has her second baby Harini!
09/09/16 – Congratulations to Min for successfully completing her preliminary oral exam!
07/08/16 – Beatrise and Min presented their posters at PNWWSR in Oregon!
03/03/16 – Our review paper on ion concentration polarization (ICP) is accepted at the Analyst!
11/25/15 – The group welcomes Beatrise to the lab!
08/03/15 – The Anand group begins.